How to Make Investments in Your Business

How I make investments in my coaching business

If you know me, I don’t take investments lightly.

I come from a finance and banking background; I know my way around money.

And with every big investment SHOULD BE something you think about.

What I don’t like is all of this talk about how “easy” it should be.

Money is money and it is different for every single person so someone shouldn’t be telling you how you should feel or downplaying if you need to think about something.

SO, what I do is I listen to me, myself and I.

It is an individual decision.

I’ve developed trust around money; I’ve paid a lot of things off on my own and took on a lot in my life between my parents passing away in my early twenties and being diagnosed with cancer twice.

Here’s what I do when I want to hire a coach or join a program;

First off, I get to know the person.  Do we vibe?  Do I see myself in them a little bit?  Do I want my business to look like theirs?

Next, what do I really need help with in my business?  Am I just slacking?  Am I just not giving my business enough time to breathe?  Am I just simply trying to copy and paste strategies that work for others and not allowing time to figure out what works for me?Lastly, how does this investment affect my business/my life/my husband’s and is this going to be something that is going to truly propel me forward?  OR am I being impulsive and just feeling down today that I just am going to make an emotional purchase?

I encourage you to ask yourself these questions and to take a breath.

In the end, if you go into any investment or coaching relationship with a clear head and clear heart, it will make the most of your time together and you will have SO MUCH success.


Why I Hire a Coach


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