About Lauren

Photo of Lauren Najar, online business consultant

Why not?

This question has been a driving force for me, and it's something I've taken with me no matter what I do.

I was diagnosed with cancer not once but twice in my early twenties.

By overcoming those challenges, I began to realize there's so much more to life than being stuck in the day-to-day grind of a job or a situation that makes you unhappy.

By that time, I spent ten years in the banking and finance industry to learn that my day-to-day was far from being my pride and joy.

I knew I could do more. I wanted to do more.

I kept thinking to myself, "If someone else can do something they love, why not me?"

Photo of Lauren Najar business consultant for online entrepreneurs

As I started to explore business coaching, I realized my passion and skill set for creating authentic connections and networking I learned in the corporate world was vital to growing any successful business.

My wheels began turning.

What followed was a whole lot of trial and error, growth, and clarity, not just in the type of business I wanted to build but in the life I wanted to lead, too.

I started my business from a place of wanting to help and motivate other business owners with the idea that they can do anything they want.

Since taking that first step three years ago, I've been able to tap into what lights me up and how I can help motivate and encourage others to ask themselves, "why not?" too.

 Through business coaching, consulting and education, I've been able to help COUNTLESS female business owners show up as they are to build a business that not only lights them up, but enables them to live a life on their own "why not?" terms.

Why not you?