When business feels overwhelming…

A little love letter to you today.

It feels so great to sign that first client or maybe you have a steady stream of 1 client a month right now.

It’s easy to want more and want it quickly. Pretty soon you find that you want to chase the shiny objects, scale the business and start to do new things to make things happen for you faster.

All of a sudden you find yourself burnt out, underpaid, nothing is working and no clients to show for it.

This is such a common occurrence. Even if you haven’t signed clients yet, you are more than likely trying all the things and nothing is working.

I’m here to tell you that everyone goes through it and it’s normal and there is nothing wrong with you and you aren’t missing anything.

I’ve been here in this position multiple times, but I learn each and every time to go back to basics.

What do I know? I know my ideal client, my niche, the problem I solve and how I specifically solve it.

Then what else do I know? I have to become visible. I’ll start to post on social media and do it consistently with a plan. Also, I’ll ask myself how did this work before? How did I sign clients before? How did I get people to sign up for my newsletter before?

Revert back to what worked before. It’s as simple as that. Maintaining those foundations as you grow is the key.

Wanting to grow too fast and too soon will lead to burn out and you hating on your business and probably thinking less of yourself.

Let’s simplify your strategy here and make it simple for you to make more money in 2022!

Hope this helps you with a fresh perspective in the new year!


January is Lead Generation Month


You Can’t Rely On One Thing