You Already Have Leads

The one thing I hear all of the time - I don’t have “enough” leads.

And this can mean many different things I’ve seen.

You may see that your engagement is low, or people aren’t messaging you or that you aren’t getting enough likes or comments on your posts.

I’m here to tell you to take these analytics with a grain of salt and it is NOT the end all, be all to your success in this space.

Chances are you are on Facebook or Instagram or both and you have people watching your every move. You don’t need 100s of people liking your posts. Chances are you won’t ever have 100s of people consistently liking your posts. That doesn’t mean you won’t get any clients.

Sure, more people always increases your chances right? But how many clients do you actually need right now?

I asked this to one of my clients over the past week where we have this conversation frequently. The topic always turns to “more leads” and I will always go back and ask what is happening with the leads she currently has? Also, do you have the capacity to take on 100 leads every single day right now? Probably not.

Your leads aren’t going to always be blatantly obvious and that’s why it takes nurturing and building relationships and actually going out there and getting those leads. Find out more about the people that follow you and watch your content. Get to know them and ask questions. Start to qualify those leads!

My suggestion for you today is to really take a look at who is already looking at your content. Analyze these people and put them into categories. Do you already know them? Are they just peers supporting you? Are they people you have long forgotten about or had a conversation with them and forgot to follow up? Maybe they are new people in your world whom you have yet to get to know!

My experience is this; if you are wondering where your leads are you probably have not exhausted your already bustling list of leads or are keeping track of the people you already have right in front of you. I encourage you to go back and take this week to look at your audience and see who is warm already. After you have exhausted this list, I want you to then start to implement a new strategy on finding more leads. Stop adding so many new things to your business when you haven’t worked the strategies you already have in place!

I will be doing lead generation tips all of this month in my Facebook group. Click here to join!


Instagram Stories for Leads


Starting the Year Off Slow