How Understanding Your Ideal Client Improves Your Marketing Content


So you have your ideal client’s pain points figured out. You know what they’re struggling with and how you can help them. You might even be writing and posting content consistently on social media — so why does it feel like NOTHING is happening and people aren’t reaching out to work with you?

If this feels like you, the problem could be that you’re great at communicating the tangible RESULTS you provide (like lose weight, save time, sign more clients, etc.) but NOT so great at explaining WHY these results matter.

  • I help you lose weight so you can get your confidence back.

  • I help you save time with X thing so you have more free time with your kids.

  • I help you sign more clients so you can build a sustainable business that replaces your 9-5 income.

You get the idea! But HOW do you actually figure this out?

Start by asking yourself some deeper questions about your ideal client. I don’t mean the typical “ideal client exercise” that a lot of people teach, like where they like to shop or what color they paint their nails (unless these things are somehow relevant to your offers!). We want to find out exactly why they want this result — what’s driving them to achieve this? 

Questions to Clarify Your Ideal Client

Here are a few questions you can ask to get more specific on why these results matter to your ideal clients.

  1. What’s the reason behind the goal? WHY does your client want to get these results right now? Remember, there’s always a deeper reason beyond the tangible result.

  2. What will this result help them do/have/be?

  3. How will your client FEEL when they get this result?

You can also get more specific in thinking about your ideal client’s pain points and struggles. Here are a few questions to get you thinking about that:

  1. What is your ideal client currently doing or NOT doing because they have this problem?

  2. How does your ideal client feel right now NOT having this result?

Answering these questions will help you to be more specific as you write your content and take things a step beyond the tangible results.

The more specific your content is, the more you will stand out to your ideal clients. 

Your ideal clients are looking for the solution that you provide, but your content has to make it clear that you are the right person to help them!

How to Use Market Research to Improve Your Content

You don’t have to figure out all these answers on your own! This is where market research comes in. Market research feels like some big confusing thing to a lot of people, but it’s really just listening to your audience. Pay attention to the things your ideal clients are saying, asking, and looking for. This can truly be as simple as looking at which content of yours is getting the most engagement and seeing what kinds of questions people are sending you in comments or DMs.

Eventually, you will start to notice patterns in the content that is resonating with your audience and the content that doesn’t seem to get as much attention. Be willing to shift and adapt! Sometimes things make sense to us because we already understand the solution. But if it’s not resonating with our audience, we may need to shift our content to approach things in a way that they can understand and relate to.

It’s okay for your messaging to evolve as you gain a deeper understanding of your ideal clients! Understanding your ideal clients is truly an ongoing journey, not a destination. It’s about building connections and fostering relationships. And yes, of course, increasing your sales in the process!


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