Clarity Challenge: Define Your Business in One Simple Sentence


Let’s be real - we all have the attention span of a squirrel when we’re scrolling social media. This is why I PREACH simplicity when it comes to your business. It’s not enough to be good at what you do; you also need to be good at CLEARLY and quickly explaining what you do to your ideal clients.

For example, I help businesses get more clients. Sounds pretty general right? But that’s truly what I do at the most simple of levels; and we do simple here! Simple is whatever EVERYONE is going to easily understand.

Because if I end up going into a full explanation like this: I help you get more clients by doing x,y,z and then we look at your marketing and then do this, then we do this and then these steps—you have already zoned out, scrolled past and moved on, right? It’s too much to take in all at once.

If you can’t tell me what you do at the most basic level, no one else is going to understand what you do either.

So, how do you get there? It starts with zeroing in on the core of your business. Strip away all the layers – the different services, the framework, the features. What’s left? It's the core impact you have on your clients' lives.

As a business consultant, I guide my clients through this process to help them get crystal clear on the key benefit or solution that you help your clients with. I know it’s so hard because there are probably multiple benefits to the work you do, but we want to know the MAIN solution you provide that your ideal clients are looking for.

Your One-Sentence Business Definition

Now, let's craft that sentence. Think of this as your business's headline – it needs to be catchy, clear, and concise. Start with a simple structure: [Your business] helps [ideal audience] achieve [core benefit]. The language should be super straightforward, without including any industry jargon, so that everyone can understand.

For example, a graphic designer might say, "I create visually stunning brands for small businesses, making them unforgettable in their market." It’s short, it’s sweet, and it gets to the point.

Testing Your Sentence

Once you have your sentence, it's time to put it to the test. Add it to your social media profiles, use it when people ask what you do, and start including it in your content. And then wait and see the reaction. Do people seem to get it right away? Does it spark interest? Be willing to refine and revise if people still seem unclear on what it is that you do. Often what seems really clear to us, may still be confusing to others who aren’t familiar with our work.

Integrating Simplicity in Your Business

Your one-sentence business definition is just the start. This exercise is just the start to creating simplicity in your business. Some things to keep in mind: How can this clarity be reflected in your marketing, your sales conversations, and your business strategy? The goal is to create a consistent, clear message across all touchpoints with your ideal clients.

Now it's your turn! Sit down and brainstorm how you can define your business in one simple sentence. And if you need more help bringing simplicity and clarity to your business, download my free Consistent Business Income Checklist to help you break down your clarity blind spots, solve your marketing woes, and generate leads on demand so you can create consistent income in your business!


Download the FREE Consistent Business Income Checklist!

Breaking down your clarity blind spots, solving your marketing woes and helping you generate leads on demand so you can create consistent income in your business!


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