Stop Packing Your Offers With Garbage

You are creating an offer than is literally that.

How awesome would it be that you have all of these templates, how to manage social media, how to create profiles on top of marketing plans, mindset hacks and lead generation tools?!

SO COOL right?  Someone will for sure buy it ESPECIALLY if I lower the price to make it a good deal?

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.

So many things wrong with the above statements.

Let’s break this down.

We don’t want EVERYTHING and the kitchen sink in your programs.  We want to make sure the problem that you are solving is the superstar here and highlighting that you have a step by step approach in finding the solution.  When you start to go down this rabbit hole, ask yourself “Is this going to truly help them _____(solution)?”  If it’s just filler, then leave it out and create a freebie or another course from these items.

Secondly we FOR SURE don’t want to pack our programs and sell it for cheap.  Lowering cost and prices does not equal more sales.  It all depends on your marketing position and if people perceive the value of what you have going on.  Lowering the price is never the answer.

I love helping people create their offers when we work together; it’s amazing to see their unique methodology come to life and they instantly feel so confident after we work together.

If you need help creating your offer and getting clear on your marketing, download this free checklist I have for Creating Consistent Income here!


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