Your Content Creation Process

What kind of content are you creating?

Is it using scripts, ideas or formulas from someone else?

Or is it simply just from your brain without any outside influence?

Maybe a bit of both?

There is a difference between sounding like everyone else and being YOU.

It might be scary to be yourself.

It might be intimidating to write in your own voice and share your own ideas.

Maybe you think “Why would anyone listen to me and what I have to say?  This content planner I got from this one coach works well because she makes $10k months with it.”

Great for her.  Not so great for you.

The secret to more money and to a sustainable business?

Write content in your own voice and share your own opinions.

Trust me; I learned my lesson in seeing how people stand out when I was too afraid to say the things I really wanted to say.  I sometimes think “what if I started owning this topic sooner?  Where would I be today if I wasn’t too afraid?”

Don’t be newbie Lauren.

Share your thoughts and your voice now.  It’s YOUR business and YOUR clients.


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